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Volunteer Opportunities

Current Opportunities:

1. Volunteer Board Members Needed!

Posted: August 10, 2020

Are you interested in supporting, improving and promoting the mental health of all Yukoners? Our amazing working board of directors is looking for two more people to help govern CMHA-YT. We are looking for board members of all different voices, ages, backgrounds and experiences to represent the community we serve. We also need to round out our financial and legal knowledge and folks with those skills are encouraged to apply. As a member you will attend about 10 board meetings a year and provide support to subcommittes of your interest. The commitment is four to six hours a month. Terms can be one or two years. 

To apply, simply email a letter of interest and resume to by August 21, 2020. Board Members will be introduced and voted in at the AGM on August 25, 2020.

2. Reach Out Support Line Volunteers Needed!

Posted: August 1, 2020

We are here to listen. We are here to help.

If these words resonate with you, volunteering with the Reach Out Support Line may be a great way for you to contribute in your community.  The Reach Out Support Line is a volunteer-based, confidential, non-judgmental and free support line run by the Canadian Mental Health Association, Yukon Division. The Reach Out Support Line operates with trained volunteers who listen, support and help callers find options, no matter how big or small the issue. The Reach Out Support Line recognizes the importance of volunteers in creating a community built on trust and connection by utilizing a peer support model. Through a peer support model, volunteers work with the caller to discover potential options. Volunteers receive training and workshop opportunities through the Canadian Mental Health Association – Yukon Division to develop skills for both on and off the Reach Out Support Line. 

Join our growing team of Reach Out Support Line (ROSL) Volunteers. We provide free and ongoing training and a nurturing volunteer environment. For more information email or leave us a message at (867) 336-7675 (ROSL). Thank you for your interest in the Reach Out Support Line. We look forward to meeting you!

Thank you for your interest in volunteering!

We are always searching for skilled and enthusiastic volunteers! Our volunteers play a crucial role in our organization and our community. Without the dedication of volunteers, many of our programs and events would not be possible. We truly appreciate the dedication and initiative of those who unselfishly contribute their time and energy to further our mission.

Volunteering is at the core of any charitable organization. It is about giving, contributing and helping other individuals and the community at large. It is working with others to making a meaningful contribution to a better community.

Please give the gift of yourself, your time, your effort and discover the benefits of volunteering.

Who can volunteer?

Typically, individuals must be 18 or older to volunteer in our programs. However, we will try our best to find a valuable opportunity for anyone wanting to get involved/contribute their time with CMHA-YT. In particular, we encourage people who have experienced a mental illness themselves to volunteer as a way to engage with the community and provide great inspiration to others. Volunteering is a way to give back to the organization and make a difference.

Why volunteer?

People volunteer for different reasons. Many want to gain experience, acquire new skills, meet new people or expand their network of contacts. Others want to give back to their community, help someone or promote a worthwhile activity. They volunteer because it makes them feel good.

If you’ve ever wondered about the value of supporting CMHA-YT, consider these facts:

What kinds of volunteer opportunities are there?

There are many ways to volunteer. The opportunities available to you will vary depending on what the CMHA-YT’s needs are at the time. Volunteering could include providing bereavement support to people who have lost someone through suicide, getting involved in fundraising activities, special mental health events, corporate events, participating on the Reach Out Support Line (ROSL), sitting on the Board of Directors, providing administrative support or working on a special project or program.

How much time does it take?

Positions are available to accommodate just about any schedule and can be a regular weekly or monthly commitment, or a one-time activity.

How do I become a volunteer?

To begin, you will need to fill out a volunteer application form. The information you provide on this application will help us find an opportunity for you that matches your interests. If you are unsure about specific programs you are interested in, or would just like to get more information before applying, contact (867) 668-6429 or email us at

Once you have submitted your application, you will be asked to do a brief interview—either by phone or in person—so that we can get to know you and discuss your interests. This will help us to make a decision about your placement. The last step will be to go through police information and reference checks. While these checks may sound intimidating, this is a standard procedure when engaging people to work with a vulnerable population.

It’s hard to say exactly how long this whole process will take. We will do our best to respond to your application and complete the interview process as quickly as possible. Timing will really depend on the time of year, staff workload and the opportunities available in your desired program.

If you don’t hear back from us right away, we haven’t forgotten about you! We appreciate your patience and your interest in volunteering with CMHA-YT.

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